Most accidents involving a motor vehicle tend to be between two or more different motor vehicles. Car accidents, truck accidents and motorcycle accidents certainly make up the majority of motor vehicle accidents, but pedestrian accidents are still common enough to be concerning. When a pedestrian is struck by a vehicle, that pedestrian is often lucky to survive, and will almost certainly suffer serious injuries.
Understand The Rights Of A Pedestrian
Because pedestrian accidents are less common than other types of accidents, they are understandably less understood. Few people know the rights of pedestrians in such accidents, and they certainly do not know common causes and how they can prove fault in the incident. Fortunately, there are many resources available online for victims of pedestrian accidents to learn more about these awful accidents.
Having a great understanding about pedestrian's rights when walking along or across the road can give you a better idea of what might have caused the accident and who was truly at fault. Learning more about the common causes can help you identify what contributed to your accident, and it may even help you develop a complete series of events, which you can then use to prove to the courts how the accident occurred and who was at fault.
Fairfax Pedestrian Accident Attorneys Can Help
Of course, this is a great deal of effort for someone who was recently involved in a pedestrian accident to go through. If a pedestrian accident victim is too injured or too distraught to do the legal legwork, they should know that they can find other forms of legal assistance. Consulting with the pedestrian accident attorneys of Kearney, Freeman, Fogarty & Joshi, PLLC can also help you understand legal information about pedestrian accidents, and a thorough investigation can help make a solid case to prove that you were not at fault in the accident. This can see you compensated for your injuries. If you have any questions, call 703-691-8333 today to schedule your free consultation.